Our Leadership Structure
The governance of Cornerstone, under the leadership of the Holy Spirit and Jesus as head, is vested in the body of believers who compose its members. The authority of the Pastor and Elders is ultimately derived from the members as outlined in the articles of the church bylaws.
- Cornerstone operates with a modified elder/congregational form of government.
- The congregation confirms a board of biblically qualified elders.
- The elders shepherd and oversee the church.
- The Senior Pastor serves under the authority of and is accountable to the board of elders.
- Deacons and Deaconesses are appointed by the elders to lead the major ministries of the church.
- The congregation participates in the largest and most important decisions.
Our Current Leadership Team
Cornerstone currently has six Elders:
Jeffrey R. King (who serves as the full-time pastor)
Ken Friedel
Charles Pilling
Chuck Ealey
Dave Trevitt
Jason McLaughlin
We also currently have eight Deacons or Deaconesses:
Alicia McLaughlin – Children’s Ministries
Leanne Nelson – Worship Ministries
Winn King – Connections Ministries
Kim Hull – Communication/Prayer Ministries
Gary Andries – Building and Property Ministries
Brad Weyers – Building and Property Ministries
Sherri Nash – Caring Ministries
Sabrina Petersen – Outreach Ministries